The Best Hand Cream for People Who Use Their Phone or Computer Regularly

The Best Hand Cream for People Who Use Their Phone or Computer Regularly

We've all been there. You're in the middle of a heated discussion with your boss/friend/significant other and you start to get that telltale itch in your palm. You try to ignore it, but it's like a mosquito buzzing in your ear—annoying and dist

5 Sensitive Hand Care Tips Everyone Should Know

5 Sensitive Hand Care Tips Everyone Should Know

We all know the importance of taking care of our hands. After all, they're one of the first things people notice about us when they meet us. But did you know that there are certain things you should do (and avoid) if you have sensitive skin? Here

How To Make Your New Year's Resolution Stick

How To Make Your New Year's Resolution Stick

It's that time of year again! The time for New Year's resolutions. A time for reflection on the past year and setting goals for the year to come. And, like clockwork, by February most of us have already given up on our resolutions. If you're strug

The Importance of Self-Care During the Holiday Season

The Importance of Self-Care During the Holiday Season

The holiday season is a wonderful time of year, full of love, happiness, and joy. However, for many people, the holidays can also be a time of stress. As Thanksgiving preparations turn into buying gifts for loved ones, and as personal and professi

Revitalize End of Summer Skin with These Tips

Revitalize End of Summer Skin with These Tips

The end of summer is a bittersweet time. The weather is cooling down, the leaves are changing color, and pumpkin spice everything is everywhere. But if you're like most people, your skin is looking a little worse for wear this time of yea